Nume | NorwayBeauty |
Unde | Washington State |
Origine | Alb/Caucazian |
Orientare | Bisexual |
Înălțime (centimetru) | 167 |
Greutate (kg) | 76 |
Marimea sanilor | Mare |
Mărimea fundului | Medie |
Păsărică | Rasa |
Culoarea părului | Blondă |
Culoarea ochilor | Verde |
Femeie, 26 de ani, Capricorn.
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Nume | NorwayBeauty |
Unde | Washington State |
Origine | Alb/Caucazian |
Orientare | Bisexual |
Înălțime (centimetru) | 167 |
Greutate (kg) | 76 |
Marimea sanilor | Mare |
Mărimea fundului | Medie |
Păsărică | Rasa |
Culoarea părului | Blondă |
Culoarea ochilor | Verde |
Behind my smile there stories that you may never comprehend
Being picked up and put on a table, or against wall Stop-start the foreplay which goes on for ages Ass-smacking Neck kissing Playing with my clit during sex, not just before Guys who are into toys Actually knowing what girls like and not having to ask eve
A man who wants to make out for a bit then head right into penetration is evidence of a guys sexual inexperience. It takes a lady a lot more more than some kissing and thrusting to get her off. A womans vagina is strong and can take a pounding, but that d